Thursday, April 23, 2015

Create A Filling Mold For Firing Or Fusing Glass

Glass sagging requires a mould, which can be handmade using clay.

Kilns aren't dispassionate for ceramics and pottery. They can be used for other Art projects such as metal casting, glass sagging and glass moulding. Clay is possibly the easiest, most elastic choice for a homemade glass mould. It's determining to build your mould elsewhere of high-fire clay seeing the firing temperature of the clay must be higher than the temperatures that are used for the glass firings. The argument temperature for glass sagging is encircling 1250 to 1425 degrees F. When creating your anatomy and mould, it's very valuable to elicit that clay Testament shrink during the first off firing, as the aqua evaporates from the clay. Most clays Testament shrink by enclosing 10 percent, on the other hand you can decide the precise percentage of shrinking by consulting the clay's packaging or the manufacturer's website.


1. Practise a clay mould of the desired configuration. You must generate this clay example slightly larger than the desired mould amount, as the clay Testament shrink during the firing. You can besides fabricate a sand mould of the desired cut, then pour plaster in the cut to accept the shape. Alternatively, you can utilize an existing bowl, figurine or another solid reason as the goal for the mould.

2. Grant the clay embodiment to sit undisturbed until it's bone dry. The lip should be approximately 1/2 inch tall.7. Allow the clay to become leather hard before separating it from the form. This typically takes between one and three hours, depending on the humidity level and temperature.

Remove the cooled ceramic model from the kiln and rinse it thoroughly.

5. Form the clay around the ceramic model, plaster form or another solid object, carefully pressing the clay into the nooks and crannies. Leave one side of the form exposed. This is where you will place the glass. Typically, the exposed side should be the underside or bottom of the molded glass item.

6. Form a clay lip around the edge of the glass sagging mold or create a lip around the edge of the filling mold's opening. The drying action can capture between one and three days, depending on the humidity common and temperature.3. Flames the clay model in the kiln, using a kilnsitter cone that matches the firing temperature of the clay.4.

8. Remove the form from the leather hard clay and allow the clay mold to sit undisturbed until it's bone dry. The drying process can take between one and three days, depending on humidity level and temperature.

9. Paint the the mold with three coats of kiln wash or one coat of glass separator. Kiln wash or glass separator must be present on any area that will contact the glass.

10. Fire the clay model in the kiln, using a kilnsitter cone that matches the firing temperature of the clay.

11. Allow the mold to cool completely before removing it from the kiln.