Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lead A Company Business Photo Shoot

Assent to the coercion of Everyone corporate photo.

A corporate photo shoot should paint a clear picture of your company. Leading a corporate photo shoot takes planning. Consider how you want others to perceive your company. Plan how each photo will be used. Always make sure the company's reputation is at the forefront of your mind.


1. Organize a planning meeting with the CEO and marketing coordinator of the company. Organize the models and locations. Work with others to make the shoot a success. And finally, follow through with the editing and presentation process.

Together determine the company's reputation, the way in which the company wants to be seen by possible clients and how each photo can accomplish this. Decide whether to use professional models or actual employees. Plot out locations to take photographs including conference rooms, front desks and mid-level offices. Also discuss how the photos will be used in upcoming marketing campaigns.

2. Whether using professional models or employees, choose a diverse selection of people. Have everyone participating sign a release form that gives the company permission to use their likeness in a variety of marketing materials. Assign each person to a particular location.

3. Create a shot list. The shot list is a plot of each location, the model assigned to that location and the amount of time needed to complete that portion of the shoot. Also include extra equipment that may be needed, such as lighting or props.

4. Distribute your shot list on the day of the shoot to everyone involved. This will allow everyone to be on the same page for what needs to be done when. If using employees as models, give plenty of encouragement, as they may feel nervous stepping outside of their comfort zone. Stress that they were selected because of their contributions to the company and that they are the face of the company.

5. Following the photo shoot, review the images with the marketing coordinator and photographer. Discuss what each picture conveys about the company. Assign pictures to various marketing uses including online, print and signage.