Friday, April 24, 2015

Create A Hexagon Kite On Your Own

Hexagon Kite

I don't comprehend approximately you on the other hand I delight kites, can't satisfy Sufficiently of them. All the more though I'm all grown up at the moment that doesn't share outside the ecstasy I felt when I trumped-up my first off Kite. It wasn't a Hex Kite though it was in fact a T Kite. I aspiration you are ready being this Testament be a high one however appealing facile once you dispose the hang of it or this might aloof be your inceptive kite nightmare wooo.... Added than not, cherish me, I expect you Testament be entertained every mo of it. Straightaway let's prompt to duty...and acquire convivial doing it.


1. Buy a quantity of Bamboo. (Lightweight Preferably

Divide 5 inconsequential strips of the duplicate dimensions and heighth. E.g. 8" to 9" gangling or as Lofty aas you thirst. You could invest in it already chop and finished provided you cognate.

Scrape or sand the inside existence of the bamboo strips to dash off them posses a glowing and finished case.

2. Wrap two pieces of the bamboo strips well-organized honorable in the centre for balance. 2-3 wraps horizontally and 2-3 wraps vertically to die a (X).

3. Add a horizontal parcel again in the centre so that both ends are much. Wrap sorrounding with cord until all 3 pieces are firmly fitted to articulation a 6 points star.

4. Add the vertical strip: this portion should be centred and placed vertically then wrapped with cord at the centre.This Testament be a relieve for the arc that is to be placed at the top branch of the kite.

5. Put the final strip horizontally at the top left or right end and wrap with cord, then, bend it slightly to make an arc or to form a bow then rap the next end.

NOTE: This piece of strip for the arc needed To possess been shaved/sanded a little thinner than the others so it can bend easily.

Punch 2 small holes in the center of the kite at point (C)(See Image) and make a knot in the center of the kite frame, Run the cord along the center strip until you reached the top in the center of the arc. Step 9.2 (See Image)Now, tie that center piece to cord (A, B) at (D)(D is the center of (A,B)(See Image). Make a tight knot when you've completed the hexagon.

6. Paste paper/polyester etc to kite frame using pattex glue.

So now you should have something similar to the one in my image. It's up to you now to use your creativity and use different colors of paper, plastic or polyester material unto the kite frame to make your kite unique.

7. Now that you have finished pasting on the material(s) unto the kite frame; It's time to make the loops for the balancing tail and the navigating system so to speak; very important for your kite to fly.

Tie the cord at point (A)(see image) that's if you had cut it after you finished making up the frame in Step (7&8)(See Image) and make a loop pivoting at point (C)(See Image) tie a knot at point (B)(See Image). Ensure that both ends are tied firm so as to resist strong winds.

Do not clip the cord just yet; make a knot to hold the arc in place for the time being. Then after you've formed a bow with the cord, continue around the perimeter(end points)of the kite frame until your kite looks like the one in Step 8.(See Image) Balance and evenness is important and the cord must be firm so it doesn't slip out of place. This will also form a slight arc in the kite which will help to make the kite mount easier.

Make a strong knot so that it doesn't slip from side to side to cause an imbalance while you attempt to fly the kite.

Now follow Step 9.1(See Image) to make a loop for the tail (E, F)See Image).

Attach thin strips of cloth to the bottom loop for the tail and a reel of cord to the top loop and you are set for flying.

You're done! Yeayee!! Scheeeew! Wow! lota info! Better Print the Images.