Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Info On The Angel Trumpet Plant

A violet angel trumpet flower in all-inclusive bloom.

Brugmansias, commonly called angel trumpets, are a family of colourful aromatic flowering trees or bushes. While native to the tropical regions of South America, angel trumpets are a common addition Exceedingly gardens throughout the USA. Angel trumpet plants are apparent to augment and, according to Greater Homes and Gardens, example for the amateur gardener.


There are seven species of Brugmansia. Their typical handle "Angel Trumpet" refers to the shape of the enormous hanging flowers. The flowers can develop up to 20 inches expanded and 13 inches across at the Broad deadline of the flower. The blossoms stay shut during the Day and bare at dusk, forging them a public Appendix Exceedingly "moonlight gardens" or "darkness gardens."


The angel trumpet's flowers come in a diversification of desired colours including blooming, pink, orange, violet, achromatic and lily-livered. The flowers are again accepted for their forceful perfume, which can scope from a burnished lemony scent to a Powerful vanilla scent, creating a Broad divergency of conglomerate fragrances. The aromatic flowers of the angel trumpet commonly attract hummingbirds, butterflies and the typically less desirable ants.


During cold winters angel trumpets need protection; it is recommended to prune the stalks back and cover them with a bucket or sheet of plastic. The roots are quite hardy, and the plant will re-appear during the spring. It can also be grown in a container and brought inside when temperatures drop.Angel trumpets are easily grown in warm, frost-free climates with cool nights (planting zones 9 to 11). They require well-drained, acidic, fertile soil in partial shade to direct sunlight. The angel trumpet needs to be watered frequently, keeping the soil moist. The flowers begin blooming in late spring and can continue into late fall or early winter.


Angel trumpets contain dangerous levels of toxins in all parts of the plant, which can be fatal to humans and animals. Ingesting the plant can cause the throat and eyes to become swollen and has been known to produce hallucinogenic effects. The plants are ingested for shamanic rituals; however, the amount of toxin in each plant varies, making the practice unpredictable and sometimes fatal. Should any part of the plant come into contact with the eyes, unusual dilation may occur, since it contains substances used in common dilation medications.


Because of its toxic qualities, people with house pets or small children may want to avoid introducing this plant into their home. In some areas of the USA the angel trumpet plant has been banned; you should always check local restrictions before planting it.