Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How Sell My Artwork To Galleries

Market your occupation to Craft galleries.

The trouble of Craft is a competitive one. Getting your work into a gallery requires intelligent thinking and creativity. Utilize your skills to marketplace your grindstone so that it Testament sell. According to an article in the "NYFA Quarterly," performing artist Betsy Kelso states that it's easier to mart your Craft when you conception hip grindstone as a product to be sold. (Flash References 1) Witnessing your artwork displayed on the wall of an Craft gallery for the front day can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your lifetime as an artist.


1. Construct a know stuff website and assign photos of your Craft and network with other artists. Print your website superscription and contact facts on business cards that you can labourer outside at events and bequeath to friends, coworkers and district businesses. As of 2010, you can direction 100 incident cards online for as dwarf as $10.

2. Host an art show at a native town event, coffee shop or bookstore by contacting the owner or event organizer and booking a date and time for the show. Advertise online and with fliers at local art galleries, libraries, coffee shops, stores and college campuses.4.

Produce a portfolio of your effort using a heavy-duty binder with sunny page protectors. Photograph any sculptures or large drawings/paintings to include them in the binder. Arrange the portfolio with your best pieces first or arrange by theme/category.3.

Price your artwork by calculating how much it cost to create the piece. Include time spent and tools used, such as canvas, paint, sculpting clay, machines, wood, metal, etc.

5. Go directly to small art galleries with your artwork or a portfolio. Arrange a meeting with the curator or owner of the gallery to ask her if she is interested in purchasing your work for display.

6. Ask coffee shops or small bookstores if they will display your work for free. Exposure in a small business setting will draw a wider variety of clientele who may inquire about and eventually purchase your work, the New York Foundation for the Arts reports.