Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Do You Know The Remedies For Emerald Ash Borer On Ash Trees

A predominant pest of the ash tree, the emerald ash borer (EAB) is a destructive winged insect native to Asia. The EAB is a fulgent, iridescent-green to copper-green in colour, with a minor reason with the widest object at the end the sense. The EAB measures environing 1/2 inch in length. This beetle is immensely damaging to ash trees, having killed millions of ash trees, all over 870 million alone equitable in the polity of Minnesota.


Trade-mark names for imidacloprid append IMA-jet, Pointer, Merit and Imicide. Imidacloprid is injected into the earth surrounding the ash tree or directly into the Timber. According to the University of Illinois, imidacloprid is proven to be the finest against the EAB. Bidrin doesn't appear to be as effective against the larvae and it is toxic to birds, other organisms and humans.

Other Insecticides

Bifenthrin, brand name Onyx, is a bark and foliage spray.


Bidrin or injecticide-B moves more quickly throughout the tree when applied through trunk injections. Studies at Michigan State University determined that bidrin was effective for more than four weeks after injection for the control of adult EAB. Injections duty to be applied into the earth within 2 feet of the tree Timber and hire sorrounding one to two months to souse the comprehensive tree. Timber injections cut less period to ploy up ended the tree -- approximately two weeks -- and are applied in the spring. Imidacloprid injections tested higher for force of larvae than man beetles.

Other foliage and bark sprays include cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, carbaryl and permethrin. These sprays need to be applied in mid May and again in mid to late June. These insecticides have been used to control both the hatching larvae and adult EAB.

Home Remedies

Bayer Advanced Garden Tree and Shrub Insect Control contains imidacloprid and is available to the homeowner for do-it-yourself applications. Always read and follow label directions. Insecticides may potentially drift to other areas and sometimes need equipment specially designed for application, so it may be advisable to refer to with or hire a professional to treat your ash trees against the EAB.