Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Audition For Singing & Dancing

Auditioning for singing and dancing can be an intimidating process.4. Practice learning routines. When you are able to see and reproduce movements quickly, you can work on finer points such as techniques and expression -- which will help you be noticed in an audition.


1. Prepare at least two songs. Use a professional accompanist or vocal coach to help you to select the best songs for your voice and to create a unique arrangement. Have the songs prepared and marked clearly for piano accompaniment. Edit the songs down to 16 to 32 bars. Choose two contrasting pieces: one ballad and one up-tempo. Both pieces should sit easily in your vocal range. If you are auditioning for a musical, it can help to choose songs in the style of the part that you are trying to get.

2. Rehearse for both style and content. Your songs should show vocal technique as well as your ability to understand what you are singing about and the characterization behind the song. Technique includes phrasing, breathing, diction and control of vocal tone. Understand the effect you wish to have on your audience, use your vocal dynamics as well as facial expressions and body language to portray this.

3. Take dance lessons. Some dance auditions require you to prepare a dance routine, however, many will show you a routine on the spot and have you reproduce it with music as part of the audition. For auditions in which the dance routines are taught at the audition itself, you can prepare by taking classes and honing your skills at learning techniques. Learn different styles and build a repertoire of moves as a dancer, this will give you flexibility and help you learn quickly.

Many places might use auditions as a way to find singers and dancers. These include auditions for performing arts schools, as well as professional, semi-professional and non-professional community-level companies and productions. Your preparation and research will vary depending on the company and type of show. Auditioning can be an intimidating process that involves intense preparation and the ability to think on your feet and adjust during the audition itself. Practice is the best way to hone these skills. When you practice, work to learn the sequencing of moves and keep a mental list of the order of the choreography. These core skills will make learning much easier.