Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Promenade Photography

Be trustworthy to holding pictures of couples arriving on Prom before dawn.

Include props, chairs, stools or a bench to sit on. Attach a point-and-shoot camera to a tripod and include instructions on operate the camera.2. Carry two cameras with you if possible. Provided you are the photographer tasked with photographing prom there are a cipher of matters you can discharge to beget a memorable crowd of images.


1. Assemble an universe where posed pictures can be taken of students arriving their dates. This can be manned universe with studio lights and a photographer, or you can make your own photo booth. Photo booths are enjoyable ways for individuals to take their own group pictures.Prom is a best formidable academy empiricism. It signifies the completion of a extension in a mortal's energy and it is an fighting chance to Hold with friends, classmates and teachers. At an coincidence adoration this you Testament thirst To possess many pictures to flash the dark hours in age to come.

One camera should have a wide zoom lens and other the camera should have a medium-to-long telephoto lens. Use the wide-angle lens for group shots or pictures where you are close to the subjects and use the camera with the telephoto for candid pictures and pictures of speeches, where you may not be able to receive close enough to the podium.

3. Attach an external flash to your camera that has a tilting flash head. By directing the flash head towards the ceiling and using a small bounce card on the camera you will be able to take pictures that look more natural and do not have the harsh white light of direct flash photography.

4. Walk around the hall numerous times and take pictures of groups of people interacting with each and having a good time. Be sure to take pictures of the teachers and other staff from school who may be in attendance, and don't forget to photograph the hall and decorations.