Thursday, May 21, 2015

Breakdance Glide

The breakdance glide, sometimes called the slide, is a classic uprock manoeuvre that gives the appearance that you are gliding across the dance floor.3. Spare to left and levy all of your weight on the ball of your left foot.4. Glide in by Stirring your right foot In relation to your left foot as you keep it flat to the ground.

1. Spin your favourite hip-hop beat and prompt a aura for the chin music.

2. With feet a tiny wider than shoulder Breadth apart, garner your honorable foot Apartment lodgings on the floor and lift the heel of your left foot off the ground by bending your knee.

The relatively picnic breakdance procedure might be described as a sideways equivalent to the iconic moonwalk and is persuaded to deliver some added finesse and applause to your routine. To begin learning the breakdance glide, you should be known with basic uprock footwork. Once you crack the step, you can deposit your own personal spin on the glide by throwing in some variations.


5. Place your left foot flat on the ground. Bring your right heel up and lean right to transfer all of your weight to the ball of your right foot.

6. Glide out by sliding your left foot away from your right foot while keeping it flat to the ground.