Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fresh paint Flames On Model Cars

Adding flames to your model vehivle can administer it a custom bad eye.

A mould automobile does not necessitate to be bland and uninteresting when you Stop delineation it. Dependable coextensive actual vehicles, you can emulsion designs onto the pattern to deliver it extra point and ethos. Flames are a public Election for vehicle decals, so why can't you stain them onto your imitation vehivle? You may not be able to advantage the airbrush most Car shops bag to emulsion the flames on the vehicle, on the contrary with Sufficiently participation you can cook the flames condign as detailed as the chore you would eye on any full-sized vehicle.


1. Sketch some flames onto a strip of thick poster board. The flames should have a thick base with tongues of flame licking upwards. Sketch flames small enough to fit properly on your model car.

2. Set the poster board onto a surface you are not afraid to scratch. Cut the flames out of the poster board using a craft knife (scissors may be too clumsy to properly cut out the small details of the flame). This creates a stencil of the flames.

3. Place the poster board stencil on top of the model car. Color in the flames with paint (you can make the flames any color you want). Dip a small paintbrush into a darker shade of the color you used originally. For instance, if you painted yellow flames, put some darker orange paint on a fine paintbrush.5.

Position it wherever you would like to paint on the flames. Hold it firmly to the model so that no space remains between the stencil and the model.4.

Streak the first layer of the flame's paint with the dark color. Start at the bottom of the flames and move these streaks of color up. This gives the flames a more intricate look instead of just a flat color.

6. Pull the stencil away from the model. Set the model off to dry without touching the paint.