Friday, May 22, 2015

Write A Mythology Story

To create a mythology description, we must inaugural appreciate licence what mythology is. It is a error that a mythology is a assortment of myths, on the contrary that is typically called a mythography. Mythology is easily classified as accustomed events explained by supernatural scenarios (i.e. Atlas holding up the globe, or Zeus throwing down lightning bolts from the heavens).

4. Write down keywords and phrases that you find in your research. These will help in the authenticity of the story, or may aid you in naming your gods or heroes.5.

For this article I am going to appropriateness a twister.

2. Trial the event that you keep chosen. The deeper you be read, the expanded plausible, and thence aggrandized enjoyable, the clothesline Testament be. I understand how tornadoes configuration due to chilled and warm conflicting air currents, but for this article those details are moot.

3. Keep accurate notes on everything that you find. The details will come in handy later.


1. Acquisition a everyday Catastrophe, phenomenon or event that interests you.

Now, design the story line. Ask your self, what if? In my example: Mother Nature had twin boys named Westernus and Easternus. They were given control of the Eastern and Western winds. They had hated each other from birth and were constantly arguing. Tornadoes are created from the arguments these two brothers have. I know this is simple and not very exciting, but it shows how easy to formulate the story baseline can be.

6. Now, write the story. Explain more of the boy's pasts. Describe the ruin they cause. Explain why the other gods cannot interfere with the twins' ranting.