Thursday, May 28, 2015

Where Look For A Digital Music Kiosk

Digital music kiosks let you download songs from your favourite artists.

Digital music kiosks keep been encompassing on account of 2004. Starbucks tried them elsewhere in its stores on the other hand removed them in 2006. McDonald's tried them in 2005 on the other hand the versions did not at the end extensive.

Digital chin music kiosks are stations where persons can wages to download digital melody files. They overture an alternative to online digital music sources such as iTunes. These kiosks are a dissimilar movement, as of early 2011, so you may hold to glance to acquisition a kiosk near you.


Orchestration retailers in the United Nation began using them in 2007. They hog failed to advantage traction, however. This has not stopped companies from continuing to try to make them viable. MOD Systems is the latest company to do so and they have secured a deal with all four major record companies to distribute their music.

How They Work

Consumers use the kiosk's touch screen to browse through music and album titles then make their selections. Next they are prompted to insert an SD memory card or flash drive. To buy their tunes and to initiate the download they swipe their credit card.

Find Them

Currently the only major provider of digital music kiosks is MOD Systems. Its service is called Download2Go. You can locate a kiosk near you by visiting the company's website and using the kiosk locator.