Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Edit Pictures To Create Teeth Brighter

Editing pictures to generate teeth whiter on citizens and pets is no sweat with photo editing software on your personal computer. With a hardly any easy steps, you can accomplish any smile Disinfected and classy. We Testament be discussing make teeth whiter using a photo editing programme called Adobe Photoshop.



1. Initiate your novel of Adobe Photoshop. Go to the file menu at the top of screen, and use the drop down menu to choose Open. Locate the photo you want to edit, and select Open. Since this is a simple photo edit, we will be using basic tools found in many versions of Adobe Photoshop.

2. Go to the Windows option on the menu across the top of your screen. When the drop down menu appears, check to see if Tools is selected. If it is not selected, click on it so a check mark appears next to Tools. This will display your Tools needed to edit the photo to make teeth whiter.

3. Run your mouse over the tools menu until you see the Zoom tool identified. It looks like a magnifying glass. Click on this tool to select it. Now, hover over your photograph. Put the tool on the teeth area, and click it a few times to enlarge the teeth so you can see them very close-up.

4. Run your mouse over the tools options until you see the Lasso tool identified. Click on this tool. Go to the top of the screen and look for a box labeled Feather. Type 5 px in the box. Go back to your photo and go to the edge of the teeth and click and hold down your left mouse button. Carefully draw around the teeth. If you need to stop and start to get to other teeth, press down the Shift key, and trace around the next tooth.

5. Notice a blinking dotted line outlining the teeth you drew around. This is the area that will be effected by your editing. Take you time drawing these outlines. The more accurate your outlines are around the teeth, the better your editing will look.

6. While the dotted lines are still blinking, do not click anywhere else in the photo. Go to the menu at the top of the screen and select Image. The drop down menu will have an option called Adjustments. Then, go to Hue/Saturation.

7. Look for the Edit box in the menu box that just popped up. Remove as much yellow as looks appropriate. It’s ok if the teeth start to look dingy gray. Select OK to close the box. Use the pull down menu to select Yellow. Since most teeth take on a yellow hue, we will adjust this first. Look for the Saturation slider. Drag the slider to the left to take out yellow.

8. Go to the menu at the top of the screen and select Image. The drop down menu will have an option called Adjustments. Then, go to Levels. Look at the bottom of the histogram. Drag the white triangle to the left, until the teeth are the desired level of white. Be sure not to make them too white, or they won’t look real.