Thursday, May 14, 2015

Create Pop Art Portraits

The Pop Craft movement came into its own in Late York in the 1960s. Pop artists were fascinated with consumerism and the objects of typical culture. Andrew Warhol was obsessed with Hollywood's reputation and glamor. He used photographic silkscreen to generate his noted portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Mick Jagger, Elvis Presley and Jacqueline Kennedy. This mechanism allowed him to mass-produce a booming quantity of prints with help. Warhol used a approach of Bulk Industry to concoct his images of celebrities since he felt celebrities themselves were Bulk produced. You can beget your own Pop Craft portraits using a even simpler and extra economical procedure. Aloof hint a photo and assemble definite to stain it with ablaze, spirited colours.


Create Pop Art Portraits

1. Familiarize yourself with Andy Warhol portraits at Andrew Warhol Prints (espy Means below).

2. Photograph yourself or your subject using a digital camera. (You could also use the image of a pop icon like Madonna, Cher, Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts.)

3. Download your image to a computer and enhance it. You need to be working with a clear, well lit and "in focus" photo.

4. Print your image in black and white.

5. Crop your image to create a portrait. To accomplish the iconic Andy Warhol portrait look, a head and shoulders shot works best. A Warhol-style pop portrait is about the person, not the background.

6. Warhol used a variety of dramatic, bold colors for his backgrounds and skin tones.9. Paint.

Transfer the traced image onto poster board using graphite transfer paper.

8. Mix your paint colors. Be outrageous. Trace your image, concentrating on shapes. Trace the darkest shapes first, then the lightest shapes. Trace the medium gray tones last.7.

You can create a monochromatic painting or use up to four colors. The values of your colors should be exactly the same as the values in the photo.

10. Create more than one portrait and combine them in the same way that Andy Warhol did. An example would be his portraits of Marilyn Monroe.