Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Exactly What Is A Drama

What is a Dramaturgy?

Moreover, unique masks were made for specific characters and events in a production. Most stagecraft or theatre nowadays comes from classical Greece and included tragedies and comedies.


Dramaturgy dates from the sixth century in Athens, Greece. Though accounts are unusual, it is believed that a poet, Thespis, created a fashionable dulcet anatomy. He mimicked a complexion and had singer-dancers bring about the argument. Greek tragic playwrights created hundreds of pieces, however matchless 32 survived.

Time Frame

Mediaeval theatre had nearly no resemblance to Greek play. Priests imitated biblical figures and performed diminutive scenes from holiday stories. Climactically, these skits grew augmented detailed and went from the church to the marketplace.

Theatres founded in the 1600s were exclusively for the needs of the upper party. The rebirth of Puritanism greatly affected eighteenth century drama further.

From the Renaissance onward, theater attempted to recreate real life, or a semblance of it, through the genre of realism. That objective was accomplished in the late nineteenth century, and realist drama continues to lead commercial theater, particularly in the USA.


Tragedy and comedy are the two types of drama. A tragedy is a drama that showcased non-commoners (heroes, kings, gods) who shifted from good fortune to bad fortune. Its purpose was To cleanse the soul of "fear and pity," which the philosopher Aristotle defined as catharsis.

Comedy was about typical or below average people who moved from bad situations to good ones; the characters spoke everyday language.


Dramas include character, plot and theme, among other things.

Most plays include major and minor characters.

The plot is generally made up of acts and scenes. One type of plot is dependent on the suspense of a conflict in which the hero is not ill-fated.

Theme has been described as the soul of the play. Most plays have some type of conflict--between individuals, man and society, man and a greater power or man and himself. Plot and theme in drama should compliment each other and be in sync.


One of the most common features associated with theater are masks. Masks from dramatic plays were dedicated to the altar of Dionysus after performances. It is believed the masks were helmet-like, concealing the entire face and head with holes for the eyes and the mouth, and had a wig.

In big theaters, classical masks made the characters' faces easier to see for the audience. The masks allowed the actor to play many roles, and prevented the audience from associating the actor with one particular character.Dramaturgy comes from the Greek chitchat for "deal." In theatre, play is presented by actors to an audience. Many times, dramas call dance and tune to communicate their memo. For instance, opera uses song throughout the complete performance, and musicals bear discussion and songs.