Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Convert Verbs To Past Tense In The spanish language

Practising rules helps you commemorate conjugate verbs.

Verbs are critical components in sentence interpretation. The verb indicates manner or movement. When conjugating Spanish verbs there are six positions: three singular and three plural. Vosotros (omitted here) is the moment subject plural and seldom used in North America. If public or irregular, verb endings are a, e and i, as in the subject tomar (to part), comer (to eat), and vivir (to animate). Here, verbs are conjugated from the infinitive figure to the ended/preterite stretched in the indicative since the indicative relates what is bodily.


There are three conjugations in Spanish: ar, er, ir

1. Vosotros, the plural design of "you" is used in Argentina and Spain.

Add to the root the consequent endings in agreement to the humans (yo, tu, el/ella, nosotros, ustedes) - , -aste, -ó, -amos, -aron.2. The moment leading conjugation is the Final "er," as in the verb comer. Blop the Final, er.

The six positions for conjugating verbs are: Yo (I), Usted/tú (you, formal/casual), ella/el/ (she, he, it), nosotros (we), ellas/ellos/ustedes (they/them).There are three exceeding conjugations indicated by the vowels a, e, i, and followed by the consonant r. The anterior fashion of the three verbs--those Final in "ar"--are conjugated into the preterite by dropping the Final "ar" (i.e. tomar, tom-ar = tom). You are left with the root of the chitchat.

Receipts the root of the conversation which is com and add endings -í, -iste, -ió, -imos, -ieron. Thus the conjugation of the Spanish term for comer (to eat): yo comí, tú comiste, l/usted comió, nosotros comimos, ellos/ustedes comieron.

3. Spanish derives from Latin, as does Italian and French.

Vivir (to aware) ends in ir, the third of the main conjugations. Following the pattern, you would drop the "ir" to form the root "viv" and add -í, -iste, -ió, -imos or -ieron. Vivir (to live): yo viví, tú viviste, l/usted vivió, nosotros vivimos, ellos/ustedes vivieron. Note that the verbs ending in er and ir have the same endings.