Monday, May 18, 2015

Learn Film Marketing Methods

There are many ways to bazaar a movie. This is how I learned and I was amazed with some of the tools that I was apt. Dov Simens is one of the prime in the dodge. He is an incredible teacher, and he is devoted to helping you apprehend the "Fact" approximately Hollywood. Hollywood is not approximately "Movie Forming" it is approximately movie "Marketing"!


market a film

1. Aboriginal you essential the "Fat" script. A absolutely skilled script won't buy you the means that you longing to make the movie. It MUST be "Beneficial" or it Testament not satisfy a moment peep. Cite, you Testament not excite a moment chance. The individuals that peruse these scripts keep besides many on their plate to confer you a re determine.

2. Weather you create the "Positive" script or pament someone else to autograph it doesn't matter. Once you have it, you will need to find out what the budget is for filming it and find out how long it will take from "Action", to "In a can". A great place to begin this is

3. Now you have a complete package! Make a list of any and all potential investors that you know. Start by calling each one of them and asking them if they have any desire to acquire a Hollywood feature film. Set a face to face appointment with them and show them in detail what your objectives are. If you complete steps 1-3, you will most likely impress them. They will give you comparable picture reports that show you all potential income streams and how long it will take To gather all of the money that is on the line. Every investor that you will approach is going to need to know a potential "ROI" (Return On Investment) and how long it will take to recoup their initial investment.

4. Once you have your budget and shooting schedule, you will need to find out what kind of revenue your film "could" generate. You will be unable to properly market your film without this. A great company to work with is Just because they are impressed doesn't mean they will want to renounce their hard earned cash! Break up the cost into units, and decide how many units you want to "sell". Its similar to purchasing stock in a company.

5. Once you set an appointment, be early and prepared with all of your hard work. Before you talk money, make sure that you have given them a query letter. This will consist of no more than one page that explains your story and why you wrote it. Once you have done that, simply ask: How many "units" can I put you down for? If you get a no thank you, keep your head up. Nobody said this would be easy. Keep going, keep scheduling appointments. This is marketing, and marketing is a numbers game. Eventually, you will get a yes.