Monday, November 23, 2015

Ideas For Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Delineation your cupboards can replace your complete bake house.

With honest a infrequent strokes of the paintbrush, you can deliver your cookhouse a well-deserved makeover. If your taste is eclectic or traditional, you can good buy a colour and style that works well on your cupboards. When you include completed the project you may feeling as though you've stepped into a full virgin amplitude.


Stencils add act and attention.

Stenciling can add a touch of sovereign state or much a Colonial finish to your kitchen. Use pineapple, apple, flower or oak tree stencils on the face of your cupboards against a background of ivory or green for old-fashioned country decor.Consider painting a favorite proverb, phrase or scripture on your cupboards. You can even paint old family recipes on them. Use a neutral trim and freehand the phrases in a color that stands out against the background and matches the rest of your kitchen color scheme.

A black base works well with newer country trends and Colonial kitchens. Black cupboards also allow you greater freedom in stencil color, allowing the color to really pop.


The words you paint need not be lengthy or even completed on a single cupboard door. You can continue them across several doors or behind shelving.

Chalkboard Paint

Chalkboards aren't just for the classroom.

Chalkboard paint is another alternative to your typical paint choices. Alternate black and green paint or add red for even more color. Consider using the chalkboard paint on lower cupboards for children or across the upper level cupboards for your own use. Tie your chalk to magnetic hooks and soften the look with small silk or dried flowers across the top.


While it isn't your typical latex or oil medium, staining your cabinet requires much the same technique as traditional paints. It is the optimum choice for those who prefer to stay away from a lot of color. You need not worry about losing that touch of creativity just because you choose stain. Many newer cupboards include framed cabinet doors. Stain the trim in a light color, using a much darker hue for the face of the door. Use this same method with shelving---contrasting the actual shelves with the color used on the wall behind them.