Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Brief History Of Bauhaus Furniture

The Bauhaus was an determining draw institution centred on the applied arts and founded in Weimar, Germany, in 1919. Its founder, Walter Gropius, was an substantial original architect and subsequent a teacher and Employer at the Bauhaus college. Moreover to influencing advanced architecture, Craft and graphic representation, the Bauhaus institution make-believe knowing contributions to early 20th-century furniture drawing.

Bauhaus Design Philosophy

The Bauhaus institute based its drawing philosophy on the criterion that replica should be meaningful to the needs of kingdom and that it should apply fashionable technology and materials to inexpensively fair consumer needs. The final design consideration ensured that the spine remain free to avoid discomfort or unhealthy pressure.


The Bauhaus school had a succession of three different campuses during its life span until the oppressive Nazi regime shut it down in 1933.

The utilize of machine-made, mass-produced steel tubing created not difficult forms requiring elfin handcrafting or upholstery. Tubular steel incalculably reduced Industry costs and thus the reward of the Ending product. It also contributed to the streamlined, modern look of furniture.

Important Designers

The Hungarian-born architect, furniture designer and Bauhaus instructor, Marcel Breuer (1902-1981), first introduced the use of tubular steel in furniture design when he debuted his Wassily chair in 1925. Breuer taught at the Bauhaus school from 1924 to 1928, and though trained as an architect, taught furniture design at the school. The lightweight and graceful Wassily chair had a chrome-plated tubular steel frame and simple but elegant canvas and leather upholstery embodying the Bauhaus philosophy of functional form. Breuer later immigrated to the USA. In 1929, another influential Bauhaus furniture designer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969), a director at the school, designed the Barcelona chair. The Barcelona chair featured curved "x" shaped legs and curved steel supports covered in removable leather back and seat cushions.

Design Standards

The furniture workshop at the Bauhaus school approached furniture design by first examining function. The Bauhaus school believed that furniture should be comfortable for sitting, and designers created simple forms to accomplish this. Out of this approach came a series of furniture design requirements based on functional analysis of furniture. These standards included elastic seat and chair backs, prohibition of expensive stuffed upholstery, angled seats to alleviate pressure on the legs while providing support and an angled chair back to support the torso. The Bauhaus academy eschewed what it considered "bourgeois" decorative details and instead promoted functional, inexpensive, consumer products where fashion follows service and less is extended. This philosophy resulted in Disinfected, clean and latest composition.

Furniture Design

One leading contribution trumped-up by the Bauhaus school was the avail of steel as frames and supports for deviating types of furniture, including tables, chairs, sofas and still lamps.

Many of the Bauhaus teachers fled to other countries where they carried their progressive ideas of art, architecture and furniture design with them, leading to an international Bauhaus influence. Bauhaus influence was monumental, and its presence can still be seen in today's modern furniture designs.