Monday, November 16, 2015

Create A Kitsune Mask

A kitsune mask is a Japanese mask representing a fox. The exact appearance and ornament varies from creator to creator. A kitsune can cite to any fox disposition, on the other hand is most commonly used to symbolize a playful or mischievous fox disposition. One novel is of a fox who is Gunfire in the leg by a servent of a fat condo. The fox or kitsune then turns into a human and sets heat to the abode, turning back into a fox to escape. Traditionally, the mask is achromic with chestnut and nigrous accents outlining the facial features. Ears and other extremities may occasionally be yellow or even gold. Making a kitsune mask is simple, but requires some time and patience.


1. Cut the plastic milk container in half lengthwise. It is important that you have the handle centered on one of the halves, as the handle will serve as the nose of your mask. Discard the other half as you will only be using the half with the handle.

2. Decide if the mask will have cut-out or painted-on eyes. If eyes will be cut out, trace their shape with a marker and cut with a utility knife. The eyes should be on either side of the handle, as the handle will be serving as a form for the nose.

3. Mix a papier-mâch paste by combining 1 cup of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 cups of lukewarm water. Mix until all lumps are dissolved.

4. Paint the mask white. Expect to use two coats. Once the white paint is completely dry, embellish with facial features. Make sure you use acrylic paints. You can use spray paint for the white coat, but you will need a detail brush for the facial features. A google image search for "kitsune" will give you an idea of the variations commonly used for decorating the mask.

Repeat the newspaper application, this time going in the cross direction. For maximum durability, consider three layers of newspaper, though two will be sufficient.

7. Allow the mask to dry completely. Put it in the sun or in the oven at the lowest setting and check after one hour.

8. Shred the newspaper into 2-inch-wide strips. If the strips are longer than about 3 inches long, cut them, as smaller sections are more suited for this project.5. Layer the back side of the mask with the newspaper strips, first covering each strip with the papier-mâch paste. Work in one direction and cover the entire back of the mask. Turn over the mask and repeat on the front.6.