Monday, November 16, 2015

Poseidon History

Poseidon was the daemon of the sea in Greek mythology, holding dominance over all the ocean. Their Sonny was the daemon Triton.


Poseidon's sway over horses began when he pursued Demeter, the goddess of universe.

Poseidon was the Sonny of Cronus, the Titan, who swallowed him and his brother and sisters integral. Zeus, the majesty of the gods, slew Cronus and locate Poseidon chargeless.


Though Poseidon pursued and raped many women, he was married to the drool ore ad Amphitrite. He was besides the almighty of horses and earthquakes. The Greeks depicted him as a temperamental god--easy to anger--and prayed to him for safety during their sea voyages.


She turned into a mare to flee him and he, in turn, became a stallion to chase her.


Poseidon competed with the goddess Athena for stewardship of Athens. He created a saltwater fountain for the conurbation, on the contrary it was deemed less favorable than the olive tree Athena planted.


When Odysseus was returning household from the Trojan War, he blinded the cyclops Polyphemus--Poseidon's son. The angry god then cursed Odysseus and it took 10 more years for the poor man to arrive home.