Monday, November 16, 2015

Stage Lighting Tools

Phase lighting tools come in a discrepancy of shapes and sizes.

Stage lighting is an as well considerable articulation of any theatre Industry. It's leading in movies and television very. There are a cross-section of contrary tools used to aid complete Correct lighting and lighting factor, and the lighting designer decides which ones are apropos for a Industry.


One of the basic period lighting tools is a filter. If it's the side of a glass bottle or a specially untrue lens, luminosity is shone fini a filter to accomplish a sure backwash on chapter. If the consequence is to turn the light red, make it appear watery, or produce flickering shadows, a filter can be set up to create the desired effect. You can purchase filters in a variety of sizes and types, but the lighting team can also improvise a set for your production.


A spotlight is a tool that's used to draw attention to a particular part of the stage, usually where a performer will stand. The spotlight is mounted on the catwalk and shone down onto the stage, just like many of the other lights. The advantage of a spotlight is that it can be swiveled to follow an actor as he moves across the stage. This helps focus the audience's attention, and in some productions it may distract attention from stage hands who must make subtle changes to the scenery while the scene is still going on.

Automatic light controllers allow a single person to control a large portion of the lights, which cuts down on the amount of work delegated to other lighting techs.

Automatic Controller

While it is possible To possess several stage hands and tech people each controlling individual lights or parts of the lighting system, an automatic light controller is a very handy tool To possess. All the stage lights are wired into this device so they can be controlled from a single location (usually the sound/lighting booth at the back of the theater).