Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Reasons For Stage Fright

If you're 6 or 60, the outlook of standing up in front of a crowd and delivering a speech, a song, a publication Announcement or the memorized lines of a play can be terrifying. Here are some of the factors that dream up this paralyzing concept of dread.

Adrenaline Overload

The symptoms of leaf fright--a racing passion,Exorbitant perspiration, hyperventilating, dry mouth and trembling--are triggered when very even adrenaline enters the bloodstream. Adrenaline is the chemical booster Gunfire that pushes us into a income of brawl or flight when faced with anything that's perceived to be threatening.

Other Factors

Distress of concentration, sleep, or affection in the contents trouble inhibit your adeptness to stay "on communication," causing you to lose your train of consideration.

People crave acceptance in order to feel loved, respected and needed. When speakers worry about saying something their listeners won't like, it generates anxiety about rejection.


If you're self-conscious about your physical appearance compared to others, the anxiety will extend to insecurities about your material.

Eschewing the Spotlight

Throughout Infancy, parents enlighten their children not to haul attention to themselves; having to receive up in front of others contradicts this instruction even into adulthood.

They Hate Me

Bad Memories

If you've ever drawn a blank during a speech, those awful memories will resurface every time you're in a similar situation. This fuels a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure even if you know your material inside out.

Conquering the Shakes

Websites like Owning the Stage and Anxiety Coach provide breathing and meditation exercises and advice about connecting with your audience in a positive way (see Resources).