Thursday, November 19, 2015

Make Sculptures From Foam Core Board

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Unmarried Folio

Sculptures are representational of ideas, paragraph and images. They can be effortless or mingled depending on their male trouble. It is the artist's itch to fabricate that influences the trail that a sculpture takes and the materials used. Foam core board is a luminous, durable facts that is a worthy choice for creating sculptures. Foam core board can be used by beginners also as experienced sculptors. Sculptures can be created either Apartment lodgings or in the round with foam board.

Connect the images by inserting the top image into the bottom image where the foam core board has been removed. Stand the joined images up onto a table so that each side can be easily seen.8.

For projected images, assign the foam core board in front of a projector. Situate an facsimile onto the projector, and project the carbon onto the foam core board. Trace the projected image directly onto the foam core board. For projected images, repeat this process on another sheet of foam board.

2. Cut away the outer edges of the image with a utility knife. Make clean, smooth cuts.

3. To reproduce hand-drawn images, lay the image on top of another sheet of foam core board. Carefully trace around the cut image. Once the image is completely traced, remove the upper image from the bottom image.

4. Cut the duplicate image out using the utility knife. Use a slow and careful technique.

5. Place a pencil mark from the top center of the first image to the middle of the first image. Use the utility knife to cut away this section. Make sure that you remove enough foam board so that the other section of foam board will fit securely into the section.

6. Draw a duplicate mark from the bottom to the mid center of the other piece of foam board. Cut away this section with the utility knife.



1. Obtain an dead ringer, burden or dummy to attract, or project, onto the foam core board. Provided you are illustration your figure, settle the foam core board onto a Apartment lodgings surface.

Paint the foam core board sculpture with acrylic paints.