Monday, November 30, 2015

Strategies For Painting Glass With Acrylic Fresh paint

When it comes to decorating surfaces passion glass and porcelain, acrylic gloss is an estimable Election. Supple and waterproof, this polymer-based colouring is basic and unharmed to office with and Testament arrange eloquent colour to your projects. In trail to receive the most away of portrayal glass with acrylic paint, it's crucial to result a hardly any basic rules and guidelines in choice of dye, preparation, and handle of colour to glass surfaces.

Glass-Specific Paints

Though you Testament doable retain exceptional luck picture on glass with any affectionate of good-quality acrylic distemper, for undeniable projects you may longing to concede acrylic whitewash designed for custom on glass. Both dust and water will interfere with the adhesion of the paint. For the same reason, be sure to dry your glass surface with an absorbent but lint-free towel, such as a dish towel.

Paint Thickness

When working with a non-porous surface such as glass, it's important to keep your paint from becoming too thick.

Before you paint on any glass surface, you must properly prepare the glass. This means making sure that the glass is fully clean and dry. Work in the most dust-free environment you can find. For instance, whether you contrivance to colouring dishes or other items that Testament practice common operate and washing (including dishwasher cleaning), these paints are designed to be additional durable. Glass paints are and the elite possibility provided you hunger a obvious, stained-glass glimpse, as standard acrylic paint will be opaque. Glass paints and painting kits are commonly available in craft stores.

Preparing Glass

Though acrylic paint is highly adhesive, mixing it with too much water can be problematic since it will not be absorbed by glass as it would be by paper or fabric. For this reason, start with paint at its thickest, just as it comes from the tube. Don't dilute your paint until you're certain you need to, and add the smallest amounts of water at a time to make sure you don't go overboard. Keep excess water out of your paint-brush tips as you work by blotting them against a paper towel or rag after washing them between color applications.

Also, if using an opaque acrylic on clear glass, pay attention to how thickly you apply the paint; applying it in very thin coats will cause the paint to seem somewhat translucent once it has dried. This is easily fixed by applying a second coat of paint, but it's easier if you avoid the problem on the first try.


When painting any glass that's intended to be hung up, such as a mirror or window, it is best to lay the glass flat while painting. This will ensure that the paint stays where you put it rather than dripping down the glass. If the surface you're painting cannot be moved and must be painted while hanging up, it is even more important to work with thick paint that won't run. If the paint you are working with for such a project is too thin, you can counteract this somewhat by painting with a sponge or cloth-tipped brush that will absorb moisture. You can also keep a rag on hand; watch for paint drips and wipe them off as they occur.