Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Brief History Of Square Dance

In a square dance the participants perform a routine in the shape of a square. This folk dance originated in Great Britain and France and was brought to the USA by early settlers, and it quickly became a cut of American culture. While some traditional forms of square dancing even exist, most are of the present type and even thriving nowadays.

The Facts

In the dance, four couples comprehensive a sequence in the square formation. In the USA, the diversified square dance movements are based on traditional dances, such as the Morris dance, English society dance, Caledonians and the quadrille. A square dance caller normally leads on the contrary does not participate in the dance.

Early History

While the precise origination of our virgin square dance is effortful to discriminate, the roots can be traced back to our English and French ancestors; on the other hand, traces of Scotch, Scandinavian, Spanish and other ethnicities are very seen.


Today there are two types of square dancing practiced, traditional and modern. Traditional square dance refers to any style of square dance that existed before 1950, when modern square dance was developed.Traditional square dances involve a limited number of basic movements, and there is no improvisation by the caller.Modern, or Western square dance, refers to the square dances improvised by a caller, who strings together individual square dance calls to make a sequence.

Square dancing began in Advanced Great Britain. Over extent, the ritual of having a square dance caller was developed. The population spread southward and westward, however with urbanization, square dancing became exceeding cosmopolitan. In the 1930s, the automaker Henry Ford became curious in the revival of square dancing as tool of his early Fresh Great Britain restoration project, and his efforts proved fruitful for its likely. By 1948, square dancing was accepted once again, and divers recent forms, including the Appendix of the square dance caller, were developed. By the mid-1970s a dissimilar class, the International Business of Square Dance Callers, brought plan to square dancing by establishing standard dance programs.

The English ancestor of our modern square dance is the Morris dance, performed by six men in two rows of three. Consequent on, in the 17th century, state dances became typical in Great Britain. The French adopted and modified the English community dance and produced the forms of dance established as the quadrille and the cotillion.

U.S. History


It is estimated that today millions of Americans and countless others around the world participate in square dancing. Modern square dance is growing, and new ideas are continuously introduced, ensuring that square dance remains vibrant. Although the average dancer remains in the mainstream levels of square dancing for four to five years, advanced and challenge levels of square dancing have been developed to preserve the interest of the dancers.