Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tips About Modeling With Selfhardening Clay

Clay pot

Choose a Project

While many ceramists affection to be spontaneous with clay and receipts some age to go discrepant ideas, when working with self-hardening clay, it is first To possess a construction in intellect before birth. Due to the properties of the clay, it Testament derivation drying as soon as it is elsewhere of the storage container. Provided you takings very all the more period experimenting, the clay will establish to dry out, making the clay brittle and unable to be molded into the desired shape. Everyone type has contradistinctive properties and materials that vary in the drying date and hardness of the clay.

Store the Clay

Self-hardening clay will dry away with exposure to air, so it is crucial to enjoy the clay sealed at all times. Garner the clay in the plastic bag it comes in, and store the bag in an hermetic container. Store the container in a nipping, shady compass such as a cellar or a basement. When using clay, receive elsewhere exclusive the vastness you occasion for the project and settle remainder absent instantly. Whether you indication clay in the bag infancy to dry gone, mist some baptize into the bag to add moisture back into the clay.

As the nickname suggests, self-hardening clay, again avowed as air-drying clay, dries on its own when exposed to air. Self-hardening clay is convenient to avail Homewards when you don't keep access to a kiln. Disparate types of self-hardening clays allow for air-dry clay, air-dry polymer clay, epoxy clay and claystone.

Therefore, decide what you will make before working with the clay.

Mold the Clay

Mold your clay on a canvas-covered board. This will help keep the moisture in the clay and prevent your project from sticking to the table. While working, keep a bowl of water nearby. Dip your hands in the water often to keep the clay moist. If you notice cracks appearing in your project, try using a sponge to moisten the clay. Rub your finger over the damp clay to smooth out any cracks.

Air Dry the Clay

When you're finished with your clay project, set it on a board to dry. This may be the same board you used while modeling, but be sure to remove any excess clay chunks. If the base of your project is thick, you may want to set it on a wire rack to let the bottom dry evenly. Place the board in a dry place that has high ventilation and air flow. Clay should not be put in direct sunlight, as cracks can develop if the clay dries too fast. If the clay still dries too fast, try putting plastic over your project to help it dry slower.

Finish the Clay

Once the clay is completely dry, it is ready to be finished. Seal the clay with a spray lacquer or dip sealer to keep any toxins inside the clay and protect the piece against chips and breakage. Paint your project with acrylic paints for individual designs and colors. Pieces made from self-hardening clay should be for display only and not used for consumption or left outside.