Monday, December 14, 2015

Mic A Bass Amplifier

Cd engineers repeatedly mic a bass amp moreover to disc the bass DI, regulate input, during a tracking session.8. Record. Record a bass guitar through the bass amp and experiment with microphone positioning until you find the best possible sound.

Play a bass guitar finished the bass amp and evaluation for any rattles or buzzes.

2. Tighten or loosen screws on the Private room in establishment to set any buzzing or rattling sounds that were discovered during action one.

3. Whether the bass amp is slender Sufficiently, upgrade the amplifier one to two feet off of the ground in assortment to damp the term. Placing the amplifier on Stool is a commonly used income in many record studios.

4. Lay dampening material on the floor directly in front of the amp in trail to prevent the bass term from reflecting back up into the microphone. For an inexpensive impression, you can use bath towels as your dampening material. For best results, you may want to consider using professional sound dampening products that are specifically designed for sound recording. Professional dampening material is a special type of foam. These products are usually referred to as dampening foam or sound absorption foam by the manufacturers.

5. Choose a microphone that will properly capture the bass signal. The Shure Beta 52A and the AKG D12 microphones are specially designed in order to pick up low frequencies. If you do not have one of these microphones available, a Shure SM7 can be used, however you will lose some of the lows.

6. Listen closely to each speaker of the bass amp. Listen to find the best sounding speaker with the clearest tone. If the bass amp only has one speaker, listen for the "sweet spot" that will be the best place to position the microphone.

7. Place the microphone about 3-6 inches from the speaker you have deemed the best candidate for the recording.

Micing the bass amp can thicken the bass guitar tone and come across expanded Profundity to a record. The road to micing a bass Private room is correlative to vinyl a sample guitar amplifier, on the contrary you Testament longing to be certain you are using a microphone that is capable of properly capturing the low bound that is produced by a bass instrument.

