Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tutorial On Use Lifting Preparation In Watercolors

Drab colour is removed from watercolour paintings with the assist of lifting preparation.

Lifting preparation is a medium available to watercolourists manufactured by Winsor & Newton. Lifting preparation alters the properties of watercolour paper, enabling pigment to be more easily removed from the picture surface with a brush or a sponge. Lifting preparation works with staining and non-staining watercolours and gouache. Work slowly to ensure that the lifting preparation covers the entire sheet. Allow the paper to dry.2. Select your source material or inspiration for the planned painting.


1. Utilize lifting preparation to a chapter of watercolor paper using a broad, soft brush. Day one watercolourists can manipulate lifting preparation to their paper prior to alpha a portrayal. The lifting preparation Testament enable them to brew corrections else easily. Bounteous contemporary watercolourists can applicability lifting preparation to author a divergency of light-into-dark portrayal and texturing techniques.

Test the capacity of the lifting preparation by selecting an image in which dark or staining colors are predominant over highlights. Prepare your palette with desired colors. Prepare fresh water and clean brushes.

3. Paint a wash in the desired tones over the paper that has been prepared with lifting preparation. Allow to dry. Remove desired areas or details with a soft brush dipped in water. Blot off the dissolved color with a clean sponge. Repeat the process if you desire to remove more color. The removed areas may be left white or overpainted with additional washes.