Monday, September 8, 2014

Abstract Painting Ideas

Summary Painting Ideas

Craft students Frequently clash to make realistic-looking images, however summary Craft can again be a exertion. Many techniques and ideas can inspire students as they coming the creation of summary Craft.

Free Form

For free configuration portrayal is done by a brush into any colour and then illustration on your canvas by Stirring the brush encircling at indiscriminate. There is no gimmick or circuit for the representation. Painters let their minds wander and glare what develops.

Paint Dripping and Splatter Paint

Tint dripping and splatter emulsion are techniques that acquiesce distemper to land on the canvas without actually touching the brush to the canvas.

Geometric Shapes

An abstract painting can be made by combining geometric shapes such as squares and triangles. They can be painted free hand or with stencils.

To drip paint, artists can either drip it from the end of a brush or drip the paint directly from its container. To splatter paint, artists can dip a large paint brush or even a toothbrush into the paint and run their fingers over the bristles to make the paint splatter onto the canvas. Artists can also use a straw by pouring some paint into it and blowing the paint out of the straw onto the canvas.

Shapes can also be made by using strips of masking tape to create the outline of the shape, painting the space between the strips of tape and then removing the tape as the paint dries.

Using Mixed Media

There are other ways to make abstract art without paint. Using objects such as ribbon, wire and other pieces of paper and adhering them to a canvas can also inspire an abstract work of art.