Photographers generally account from having a reflector in their studio.4. Fasten a coupling nut to the wing nut. Attach your homemade reflector clamp to an umbrella bracket or tripod.
1. Pull one rubber select off one side of the spring clamp using needle-nose pliers, exposing a gap near the borderline of the stock.
2. Decrease a gap away of the handle grip where it aligns with the hole in the handle using a utility knife. Slip the grip back onto the handle.
3. Screw the wing nut into the inside of the handle so the thread comes out where you would grip the handle on the spring clamp.
This Slogan helps to practice available lucent, creating a shadow or eliminating cloudy areas. Allied other photography accessories, reflector stands can be expensive. Rather than shop for a pre-made reflector stand, you can adoption an Parasol bracket or tripod you already own and fit it with a clip that Testament dominion your reflector in corner during a shoot.
5. Adjust the clamp to the desired position. Clamp the reflector to your tripod or umbrella bracket using your homemade reflector clip.