Draw up a Own Personal Errand Statement
A junket of a thousand miles begins with a unmarried step--and a path map. A personal business statement is the line you thirst your get-up-and-go to intellect In relation to and the steps you system to share in disposal to receive to your destination. It serves as a reminder of your overriding goals, beliefs and values and becomes and internal compass. Record the contributions you want to have made by the end of your life. Note at what age you would like to have accomplished these goals.6. Note specific goals you have for the fulfillment of the four basic needs: physical, social, mental and spiritual.
How cause you need your family and friends to chronicle you? How arrange you requirement your existence to play outside? What would you demand your obituary to scan?
2. Information five high scope goals you keep for yourself concerning your family. Repeat this course for your duration, your hobbies and your interests.
3. Agnomen the top 10 relationships in your life. Make a note of what is important to you about that relationship.
4. Identify your basic roles in life: father, real estate agent, daughter, church elder or volunteer.
5. Pursue these steps to transcribe one for yourself.
1. Envision yourself at 80 elderliness decrepit.7. Begin crafting a rough draft of your mission statement by turning some of the above ideas into a complete sentences or declarations. The goal is to motivate you, not impress anyone or become a "To Do List."
8. Reread the rough draft, editing and focusing the mission statement to precisely match your values and goals.
9. Put the mission statement away for one week and then return to it with a fresh eye. Edit again until it says exactly what you mean.
10. Print your new mission statement out on paper and keep it somewhere where you can review it periodically, such as in your journal, day planner, calendar or Bible.
11. Revise your mission statement periodically as life circumstances change, as you grow personally and as your accomplish more and more of your life goals.