Collect Broadway
A playbill is a pamplet that lists the actors, scenes and songs from a play or mellifluous. They much consist of lob photos and biographies. Collecting playbills is a extensive pathway to Memorialize shows you've attended, very as an absorption in theatre. Announce on to memorize another.
1. Corral from multiple sources. Provide quality storage for your collection. Chances are, you don't have an entire room of your house dedicated to display cases for your playbill collection, so you might want to consider rotating parts of your collection in and out of frames or display cases. The others should be kept in airtight containers and stored in a cool, dry place.
Options include sprays that will keep the paper from yellowing, polyethylene bags, airtight display cases and framing. A combination of one or more methods might work the best for you, such as anti-yellowing treatments and framing.
3. Obviously, inspire a playbill from any expo you personally attend, but also consider asking family and friends that visit Broadway to receive you a copy. Ebay can also be used to buy playbills, or in some cases, playbill collections from others.2. Preserve and display your collection.