Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Learn Real Miracle

Recondite data.

Thelema is a devout and fraternal chemistry founded in 1904 by Aleister Crowley. According to the U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, Thelema is categorized as a religion and "it is in other senses a philosophy and a course of action of brio, while very overlapping with the fix of practices and symbols commonly called 'Magick.' " OTO offers an organised constitution to earn grade within the troop and to memorize the secrets of the congregation's methods and practices.


Learn Real Magic

1. Fix your nearest Ordo Templi Orientis Oases or Lodge. There are Oases or Lodges in 27 states.

2. Prayer an practice to be reformed an start member or Minerval of the OTO.

3. Attend diverse private gatherings or events as directed by the officials of your local group.

4. Obtain signatures from two OTO members of at least one degree stating that you have received a "good report." You will be tested, so this might take several attempts.

5. Receive an invitation to an initiation ceremony.

Begin comprehensive study of the practices of OTO and Thelema to learn real magick.

6. Attend the initiation ceremony, paying all fees and complying with all direction.7.