Assemble All Pictures the Alike Extent for My Digital Picture Frame
A digital picture frame is an elegant course of action to arrayal a copious digit of pictures and save interval. On the contrary, whether your pictures are not the correctly dimensions for the frame, they Testament come out distorted. Saving all your pictures to the duplicate magnitude before loading them to your digital frame Testament bequeath your photo displays a uniform, consistent appearance.
1. Degree the Shade on your digital frame, using a measuring tape. This Testament benefit you clinch what bigness your photo should be.
Regulate your photo editing software and author a new blank image. When you are asked to enter the dimensions for the new image, enter the size of the frame's screen. For example, if you have an 8 x 10-inch frame, enter 8 inches for the height and 10 inches for the width.4.
2. Invest in digital photos. This can be done either by transferring the photos directly from your digital camera or by scanning them into your machine.3.
Open your photo in the photo editing software in a new window. Copy the photo and place it into the blank image.
5. Use the resizing tool in the photo editing software to shrink or expand the photo to the size of the frame. The names for the resizing tool vary from one software program to another. Look for menu names like "resize" or "scale." In some programs, you can resize a photo by clicking in one corner and then dragging it with your mouse.
6. Save the photo with a new file name. Repeat these steps for all the photos you want to resize.