Anime characters are normally good, beautiful, witty, Brave and stylish. Anime is one of the most common and diverting animation styles away there these days--so why not annex in on the good and dream up your exact own anime characters? Let your imagination lope unrestrained. Once you have thought up your characters, review them. Are they unusual enough? Unique enough? Likeable enough? Maybe seek advice from your friends or anyone else you know who is interested in anime. It's always good to get outside opinions and advice.4. Now that you have come up with your characters, it's time to start writing an exciting and innovative plot to immortalize and define your brand new anime characters.
2. Think of unique characters and concepts. For instance, who is going to be a hero? A villain? A girlfriend? A superhero? Think up names and defining characteristics for your characters. Be creative. What could make your characters stand out? Does one of them fly? Does one of them have flowing magenta hair and emerald green eyes? Be sure to reference well-known anime to jog your mind and get your imagination flowing.
3. Scrutinize on to memorize practise anime characters.
1. Be taught frame in the anime style. Anime characters get mere many and rare characteristics such as the classic enormous saucer eyes, wild-colored and styled hair, and important fashion. apanese animators have been drawing anime characters this way for decades, so make sure you study lots of anime (Sailormoon, Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z) and understand draw them.Have fun, and do a good job.